Welcome to the Longsword meta compilation. This is also the patch that announces the death of the set bonus that has been following Longsword since the Behemoth update, Master's Touch.
Table of Contents
Punishing Draw set

Punishing draw is a very strong skill that when paired with Iais (both of them apply 50 KO, 25 per hit) and claw attacks, can net you KOs in solo hunts. However, it is not a very strong contender for MP hunts, as those thresholds are too high.
The level 4 and 3 slots that are vacant are for you to choose what to slot in. I'd recommend a Brace or Coal jewel on the level 3. For the level 4, I'd recommend any combo deco that has attack on it, to complete attack boost 7. The old set used to have airborne, which was NOT a mistake. The deco is a very strong one pointer, specially when you ever have the window to do ledge attacks (Aerial LS is stronger than most of the grounded LS combos). Other options for it are Free Meal, Sheath, Gobbler, etc...
Possible variants of this set are:
Changing the alpha legs to beta legs (Handi5 -> Handi3), with the cost of some sharpness for more slottage and possibly adding quick sheathe (very minimal decrease in Iai frames, barely noticeable) or Coalescence as a result.
Adding a point of Latent Power to counteract the -5% affinity from 100%.
Trading decos around to fit Maximum Might 5, in case you prefer that.
Rimeguard Y+ legs set - No Maximum Might -

In case you are playing in Multiplayer, which basically nullifies the effect of Pdraw, you can use this set instead for quick sheathe 3 and some free slots.
Again, there are vacant slots because we already have every important skill maxed, so you can use those for whatever you'd like to slot in. Good skills to slot are Handicraft, Brace or Coalescence. You can also finish the Divine Blessing if you want.
Possible variants of this set are:
Adding a point of Latent Power to counteract the -5% affinity from 100%.
Rimeguard Y+ legs set - w/ Maximum Might -

This set doesn't really have much use in general, as Maximum Might is not exactly needed for Longsword and can be very counterintuitive with the stamina lock of Foresight. However, if you dislike the affinity variance and prefer to have it controlled by you in a more direct way, this is an usable set still.
Again, a vacant level 3 slot. Use it to slot Brace or Coal or anything you'd like.
Possible variants of this set are:
Adding more affinity to overcap the WEX+ affinity, in case you are fighting a monster where you can't tenderize their main body part.
Moving a Critical combo deco to the level 3 slot, then finishing the attack boost in case you don't think you need Brace or Coal.
Rimeguard Y+ helmet set

This is pretty much only for really Coal heavy matchups. Velkhana, Teostra, Raging Brachy and such. Not much else to talk about it.
Again, a vacant level 3 slot. Use it to slot Brace or Coal or anything you'd like
Possible variants of this set are:
Adding a point of Latent Power to counteract the -5% affinity from 100%.
Moving a Critical combo deco to the level 3 slot, then finishing the attack boost in case you don't think you need Brace or Coal.